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Wanna Smile? Follow These 5 Social Media Profiles

It has been a year since we launched our #pets Wanna-Be-A-Celebrity Contest and the race to win a GoPro Hero camera. Our contestants are amassing followers, but remember it is a hard and steady road to “going viral” requiring ongoing posts filled with ever more interesting content. Although it “only takes one” viral post to get to the next level, your likelihood of success is greater if you have a solid and varied foundation of content. This enables your posts to appear more often to those who might follow you.

Our Social Media Spotlight Report reveals more tips, tricks and pitfalls directed to increasing your social media following. We have highlighted 5 of the best stories to come our way and have given plenty of shout-outs to many others. Our contest continues, so keep plugging away and follow these profiles. The pet lover inside you will thank you!


Name: Ricochet

Age: 11

Location: Escondido, CA

Breed/Type: Golden Retriever

Ricochet’s Favorites:

Activity – Chasing squirrels, lurecoursing

Toy – A blue bird

Food – Cheetos

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How did your pet become an internet star?
One of our videos went viral It currently has 6.5 million views. In addition, we’ve had a lot of stories done by the media, tv, and movies. Ricochet is one of five dogs that have been cast in an IMAX film called Superpower Dogs.

How much of a time commitment is it for you?
At least 12 hours a day!

Does your pet have any special or funny talents?
Ricochet surfs with kids with special needs, people with disabilities, veterans with PTSD and wounded warriors. She is also a master healer who makes extremely deep soul-to-soul, heart-to-heart connections. She’s able to alert to anxiety, pain, triggers and more. Check out her website and click on “healing”.

What do people love most about your pet?
People are drawn to Ricochet. So, I think what they love most is the connection she makes with them. The veterans with PTSD tell me what they love most is that she believes them about their symptoms, triggers, etc. when nobody else does.

Is your pet making money from being an internet celebrity? How much?
No, but she has raised over $500,000 million dollars for human and animal causes.

Has your pet helped anyone along the way through social media that you know about?
She has helped millions of people!! Whether it’s through fundraising, support, stories or face-to-face interaction.

How did you decide on their online persona?
She was doing a fundraiser for a boy who is quadriplegic. So, I initially started her pages for that purpose. But, since then she has provided much support to people all over social media.


Name: Rufus

Age: 14

Location: Oxnard, CA

Breed/Type: Miniature Dachshund

Rufus’s Favorites:

Activity – Frolicking on a beach or hiking in the mountains

Toy – Anything that squeaks, because it won’t squeak for long.

Food – All. Our dogs are big chow hounds. Our pack likes it all. They’re not discriminating.

Facebook Youtube


How did your pet build their following?
It’s been our mission, mostly on Facebook since 2012, but slowly on other social media platforms, to engage, entertain and educate our Dachshund loving public. We want to be a resource of entertainment and also education. We simply try to lead by example and encourage our friends to include their Dachshunds as part of their daily and weekly routine. Get out. Go exploring. Enjoy an adventure with your best four-legged friends. Dog socialization is our biggest endeavor. We advocate that we stimulate their bodies and minds by getting out of the house together. Good for humans and good for hounds.

How much of a time commitment is it for you?
It’s truly a job for us; we often dedicated 20-35 hours a week. We have pulled back in the last several years, to focus on an aging Rufus. We’ve stopped living behind the lens and have focused on enjoying the moment, and not having to share everything with everyone all the time. And now we’re trying to find a happy balance.

Does your pet have any special or funny talents?
Rufus is famous for “hands against the wall.” He’ll put his paws on the wall, and then with a finger gun gets shot and plays dead, only to be resurrected and do a whirling dervish. It’s a sight to be seen.

What do people love most about your pet?
Rufus is famous for his happy-go-lucky attitude. He is good with other dogs and children. He is very well socialized and well traveled. Rufus is one of the few hounds to be allowed in Graceland. He’s been to 20+ different states including the Grand Canyon twice, Mount Rushmore, and many national parks.

Is your pet making money from being an internet celebrity? How much?
Rufus has helped to raise money for charity and to produce many community outreach events – like Canine Dental Presentations, monthly meetups, and annual dog-centric celebrations.

Has your pet helped anyone along the way through social media that you know about?
Yes. We have inspired and encouraged many people both near and far to be active with their pets. We have helped hounds and their humans to manage their weight properly, stimulate their minds and bodies via regular walks and outdoor exploration, and to keep those teeth clean, all in an attempt to ensure a long, good quality of life.

How did you decide on their online persona?
Our red regal Miniature Dachshund is our inspiration. Rufus is my first dog as an adult and he has been my mentor. Living in Los Angeles (when we first got Rufus) we discovered it can be a big lonely city, and Rufus made it less lonely. He introduced me to a world of people that I would have never known had it not been for him. He has taught me to live in the moment and not be preoccupied with the future. He has helped me to destress and be happy. Rufus is a great ambassador for the Dachshund breed, by simply being himself and not a caricature of himself. Rufus and his mannerisms are an honest and accurate portrayal of the dog many of us love and adore.

Name: Waffles

Age: 6

Location: Campbell, CA

Breed/Type: Scottish Fold


What are Waffles Favorites?:

Activity – Sleeping

Toy – String

Food – Cat Food

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How did your pet become an internet star?
Slowly over time we just noticed more and more strangers commenting.

How much of a time commitment is it for you?
At first very little but I try to spend more time now.

Does your pet have any special or funny talents?
Waffles is very patient and will wear costumes without complaining.

What do people love most about your pet?
Waffles has a cute face with big eyes.

Name: Lilo, Infinity & Rosie

Age: 5

Location: San Jose, CA

Breed/Type: Husky


Lilo, Infinity & Rosie’s Favorites:

Activity – They love hiking!

Toy – Anything that squeaks

Food – Taste of the Wild, Pacific Stream Flavor

Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube

How did your pet become an internet star?
A video of Lilo cuddling with our then foster kitten, Rosie, went viral after we posted it on social media.

How much of a time commitment is it for you?
It varies depending on the projects we work on.

Does your pet have any special or funny talents?
Rosie does tricks, just like the dogs do!

What do people love most about your pet?
They love the relationship between Lilo and Rosie.

Is your pet making money from being an internet celebrity?
Yes, but we’re not at liberty to say, our sponsors have privacy clauses. 100% of money earned through social media goes directly into our nonprofit kitten rescue!

Has your pet helped anyone along the way through social media that you know about?
We get emails from people telling us that our photos help to ease their depression, which is great!

How did you decide on their online persona?
We got a dog named Lilo and she is a husky, so Lilothehusky it became!

Name: Daisy Rey

Age: 2

Location: Brisbane, Queensland

Breed/Type: Miniature long haired Dachshund


Daisy Rey’s Favorites:

Activity – She likes me throwing a toy which she will chase, but not bring back. Then I walk over and throw it again, and she chases it again

Toy – Stuffed squirrel

Food – Anything on my plate

Facebook Instagram

How did your pet become an internet star?
A few successful viral videos, some original ideas, and a very cute face.

How much of a time commitment is it for you?
Creating new content can take as little or as much time as you allow it. I consider the social media work as a part time job.

Does your pet have any special or funny talents?
She has learned to play dead when I use the “killing curse” from Harry the Potter.

What do people love most about your pet?
I think how small she is and the obvious amount of attitude she has tends to win people’s hearts. She’s made 4 people cry upon meeting her (tears of joy haha).

Is your pet making money from being an internet celebrity?
Yeah, we make money with sponsored jobs every now and then. I couldn’t give an exact figure, but the bigger the company the bigger the paycheck.

Has your pet helped anyone along the way through social media that you know about?
A number of times we have put the call out to help other animals in need of donations for life saving surgery or to put an alert out if a family pet is missing. If you can’t use your influence to help others than you’re missing the point.

How did you decide on their online persona?
I didn’t really. I merely took her existing personality and put it into words.


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