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The Dogist

The Dogist
Website :
Facebook : thedogist (3.1M)
Instagram : thedogist (174K)
Twitter : thedogist (123K)

Dogs are just awesome. But leave it to Elias Weiss Friedman, also known as @thedogist on Instagram, to elevate them to, well, street level.

Armed with knee pads, a squeaky ball and a pocket full of treats, Friedman captures the essence of everything that is dog through the lens of his camera. Their expressions are priceless. You can almost tell what they are thinking through his beautiful photography. He describes his Instagram account, which makes more than 3.2 million people happy on a daily basis, as a “photo-documentary series about the beauty of dogs.” He travels the world taking pictures of dogs on city streets, bringing joy to the pets, their people, and everyone else that has discovered this magical feed.

Best job ever? We think so.


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