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What Cats & Dogs Can See That Humans Can’t!

Have you ever felt that your cat or dog can see something you don’t? Well, you may be right, according to a new study. Cats, dogs, and other mammals are thought to see in ultraviolet light, which opens up a whole different world than the one we see, the study explains.

UV light is the wave length beyond the visible light from red to violet that humans can see. Humans have a lens that blocks UV from reaching the retina. It was previously thought that most mammals have lenses similar to humans. Scientists studied the lenses of dead mammals, including cats, dogs, monkeys, pandas, hedgehogs, and ferrets. By researching how much light passes through the lens to reach the retina, they concluded that some mammals previously thought not to be able to see UV actually can.

“Nobody ever thought these animals could see in ultraviolet, but in fact, they do,” Ron Douglas, the study leader and a biologist at City University London, England.

What purpose does being able to see UV light serve for animals such as reindeer, rodents, and other mammals? It allows reindeer to see polar bears, for example, which would be invisible in regular light because they blend in with the snow. UV light also allows mammals to see urine trails. This would be helpful for prey animals, such as cats and dogs, to find food in the wild.

Meet Hulk…

Meet Hulk, the 174-pound American pit bull terrier whose enormous frame has turned him into an Internet sensation.

Hulk’s owners, Marlon and Lisa Grennan, run Dark Dynasty K9’s, a breeding kennel on a 150-acre New Hampshire ranch that trains protection dogs. “These dogs are absolutely fearless because they are trained to be 100 percent fearless,” says Marlon.

Hulk originally gained attention when DDK9 first posted a video of the 17-month-oldon their YouTube channel earlier this year. The video racked up more than 1 million views in less than a week.

And despite the giant dog’s power, training and appetite (he eats 4 pounds of ground beef a day), the Grennans have no reservations about letting Hulk be around their 3-year-old son, Jordan.

“I don’t think it’s irresponsible at all for people to have pit bulls and their children,” says Lisa. “No matter what the breed, it’s all completely on how you raise them.”

Dr. Seuss Returns With Newly Discovered Book

Dr. Seuss long ago passed from the scene but old manuscripts by the beloved children’s author keep turning up. Random House Children’s Books said it will publish a recently discovered manuscript with Dr. Seuss sketches, called What Pet Should I Get?, on July 28.

The publisher plans at least two more books based on materials found by his widow, Audrey Geisel. According to Random House, when Geisel was remodeling her home after his death, she found a box filled with pages of text and sketches and set it aside with some of her husband’s other materials.

Random House says What Pet Should I Get? was likely written between 1958 and 1962. The book features the same brother and sister seen in Dr. Seuss’ 1960 classic One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.

Good To Know…

The Greenwich Kennel Club, Dog Show with a BIG Difference!

The Greenwich Kennel Club’s 83rd AKC All-Breed Dog Show is to be held on Saturday, June 6 at Taylor Farm Park, Canfield Avenue, in East Norwalk, CT. Held rain or shine the Show is sponsored by the Veterinary Cancer Center in Norwalk.

The GKC show on Saturday is quite different than most AKC shows. They encourage individuals to attend and bring their own dog providing the dog is healthy, up to date on all shots and is dog and people friendly. Dogs must be under the control of a responsible adult at all times and not interfere with the show.
Many vendors will be selling a variety of dog related items. Several food concessions will be present for the weekend so plan to come enjoy the day.

The show will have conformation classes where approximately 1,200 pre-entered dogs will compete in various breed classes for points towards their AKC Championship and with the ultimate goal of winning Best in Show.

On Saturday there is a 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy competition, a 6-12 month Puppy competition as well as the Obedience and Rally competitions where the dogs demonstrate their proficiency to be better human companions in the home, in public and around other dogs.

Features available to participate with your own dog include the Doggie Fun Zone and the Barn Hunt. There are free Dog Show Tours and the “Rare Breeds” will be at their tent both days so you can meet, greet and learn about these breeds up close.

And still more additional features will include the ever popular Miscellaneous and Breed PARADE at noon, Rookie Agility course, a Micro-Chip and DNA clinic, Meet the Authors, the Disaster and Wilderness Ground Search rescue team and their dogs.

Please come join them and have fun.

For more information contact them

at, 203-426-1173 or


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