Publisher Letter

Hello my pet pals. I’m excited that we are back with even more social media profiles for you to follow! See Page 6 for an update on our social media contest.

Your positive response to our first issue featuring the top pets in social media was overwhelming. The feedback we received from readers included, “I added them all!” and “Thank you so much. I might never have found this profile on my own and now it brings me joy every day.” We found that if you are someone who loves animals and wants to learn more there is no single source to follow, so we are happy to research “Outstanding Animal Cuteness” wherever we can find it and report back to you.

To that end, The Pet Gazette is looking to be that resource. As we have mentioned before, the information we can provide in a handful of printed pages is only the tip of the iceberg. Our goal is to peak your interest and help you discover new ways to enjoy the world of pets, whether through health, advocacy, gifts or just for fun. In this Issue we explore more than just interesting pets with lots of followers (which on its own is pretty cool), but also social media profiles of everything pet related in order to deliver more entertainment and education for you.

As exemplified by our (spare-no-expense) printing of this magazine, we strongly believe there is still a place for print media in this new Internet driven world. For instance, your vet office is an ideal spot to grab The Pet Gazette to pass the time. In addition to finding the The Pet Gazette in pet friendly locations, you can also find resources and more on and via our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. You can also download our app. I guess we could consider changing our tagline to:

“Everywhere You Think About Your Pet
You’ll Find The Pet Gazette!”


“In Print or Online
The Pet Gazette
is mighty fine.”
Happy discovering!


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