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Must Follows: Dogs

1. Boo

 @Boo (16.5m)

  • A Pomeranian who became an Internet sensation
  • Belonged to a San Francisco-based Facebook employee who created a Facebook page for the dog with the statement “My name is Boo. I am a dog. Life is good”
  • Favorite foods: chicken, cheese, flowers, grass and dirt
  • Favorite games: running outside, following around big bro, squeaky toys!

2. Cute Emergency

 @CuteEmergency (10m)

  • The purpose of creating the @ was a single place to find the cutest pictures of animals
  • Love sharing pictures with the world
  • In a world where so much is going on, sometimes all it takes is a cute picture of a dog to make someone smile

3. Jiffpom

 /jiffpom (9m)

  • Another Pomeranian who became an Internet sensation with over 8 million followers on Instagram
  • Jiffpom is the most famous animal in the world with over 30 million followers across all social media channels
  • A three-time Guinness World Record holder, he holds the record for most Instagram followers by an animal with over 8.9 million and counting

4. We Rate Dogs

 @dog_rates (7.92m)

  • WeRateDogs rates people’s dogs with a humorous comment about the dog
  • Started in 2015 by college student Matt Nelson
  • Received international media coverage for the attention drawn to social media copyright law when it was suspended by Twitter
  • Ratings are typically higher than a “10”

5. Oh My Corgi!

 @OhMyCorgi (3.28m)

  • Critiquing the cutest Corgis online
  • Offers Corgi Care Packages, through Cute Dose, which include everything from socks, shirts, pillows and mugs to stuffed animal Corgi’s with customized greeting cards

6. Crusoe Dachshund

 /crusoe_dachshund (715k)

  • My name is Crusoe and I am a miniature black and tan Dachshund. But don’t take ‘miniature’ too much to heart. My tagline is “the wiener dog who thinks he’s more of a celebrity than he really is”, but I think at this point I pretty much am a celebrity!
  • Winner 2018 People’s Choice Award
  • Wiener Dog Extraordinaire

7. Dougie The Shih Tzu

 /dailydougie (521k)

  • Photogenic Shih Tzu known otherwise as Daily Dougie
  • Has become an Instagram sensation and has a self-titled YouTube channel where he has earned more than 4,000 subscribers
  • The account features frequent photos of his everyday life and the occasional short video clip
  • Raised in the San Francisco Bay Area

8. Harley

 @harleyfreighttraintaylor (141k)

  • Spent 10 years living in a cramped, filthy cage in a puppy mill
  • Lost an eye when his cage was power-washed
  • Once finally freed, Harley found a loving home and became a spokes-dog against puppy mills
  • For five years following his rescue, Harley worked hard educating children and adults alike about puppy mills

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