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New Acquisitions: The Dog in Art

The William Secord Gallery is delighted to present New Acquisitions: The Dog in Artour annual exhibition and sale of nineteenth century paintings, timed to coincide with the 141st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Included are paintings depicting Bulldogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Collies, Foxhounds, Labrador Retrievers, Otterhounds, Smooth Fox Terriers, Wire Fox Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers.

The Gallery is also pleased to include a selection of paintings depicting Dandie Dinmont Terriers from the estate of the prominent Dandie Dinmont fancier, Catherine Nelson. Nelson was a long time breeder/owner handler and recipient of the American Kennel Club Breeder of the Year award in 2004. An artist herself, she was a passionate collector and enthusiastic champion of the Dandie Dinmont breed.

Included in the New Acquisitions exhibition are paintings by Margaret Collyer (English, 1872-1945), Maud Earl (English, 1864-1943), George Earl (English, 1824-1908), John Emms (English, 1843-1912), Colin Graeme Roe (English, 1859-1910), Heywood Hardy (English, 1843-1933), John Sargent Noble (English, 1848-1896), Lucy Waller (English, late nineteenth century), and Arthur Wardle (English, 1864-1949).
This exhibition and sale will continue through March 17, 2017.
Special Westminster Hours: February 10 – 15, 10 am – 5 pm
Otherwise, by Appointment
The paintings in this exhibition are all available for purchase and all subject to prior sale.
For more information, photos or press enquiries, please contact Galina Zhitomirsky:


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