Juniper & her fox friends are North American red foxes living out their life in a home full of rescued exotics. They were each born in captivity and are descended from fur-farm foxes. Because of their genetic differences from their wild counterparts they can not be released into the wild, but live happy, full lives with their loving adoptive family and their doggo brothers.

Diddy Kong and Yeti Kong were born in Miami, Florida, and have an incredible story. Diddy Kong just turned one year old on August 19, 2016, and Yeti Kong will turn one year old in a few months.

Hamlet’s adventure began with her human, Melanie in 2014. Hamlet was given to Melanie when she was experiencing a large increase in breakthrough seizures. Melanie lost her independence and struggled with depression.

  • I’m an Argentine red tegu lizard (Tupinambis rufescens). I’m intelligent, friendly, and even responds to my name.