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Unnatural in Nature; Neutering

What is a feral cat? Simply put, they are the wild offspring of unsterilized, lost or abandoned companion animals. They tend to form social groups called colonies, and spend their lives struggling against hunger, harsh weather, and often, human cruelty. Biologically driven to breed, females can have two to three litters of kittens per year, while the males become caught in a cycle of roaming and fighting, often leading to fatal injuries and the spread of feline disease.

What the Feral Cat Project Does * Pioneered in the UK 30 years ago, and now taking hold across the US, TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) is a humane, cost effective and efficient solution to the problem of feline overpopulation. The cats are humanely trapped, sterilized and vaccinated for rabies. TNR also involves a colony caretaker who provides food and adequate shelter and monitors the cats’ health.

There are stray and feral cat rescuers and (TNR) volunteers throughout Long Island who will offer assistance with the feral cats in your area.

The most important thing you can do for a cat is to have it spayed or neutered. Whether you are feeding a single stray or feeding an entire colony of ferals, one person can make a huge difference by helping to stop the cycle.Even if you do nothing else, if you see a stray or homeless cat often wandering in your backyard, street, or parking lot, it’s important that you alert someone who can humanely intervene.

The Long Island Cat Project is a network of educational and directional information helping feral cat rescuers on Long Island to implement a humane and effective solution for the feral cat problem on Long Island with TNR a proven successful option and solution for the control of feral cat populations. Call: 516-922-2287.


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