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Here’s our puppies! Putnam Service Dogs first puppies!

Dear Friend of Putnam Service Dogs-

We’re thrilled to introduce Putnam Service Dogs first puppies! The class for Volunteer Puppy Raisers and these puppies begins April 2017. The puppies all came from High Kill Shelters in the South, and were adopted by Putnam Service Dogs from local rescue groups.

Yellow Lab Mix. About 12 weeks old. She was rescued by a rescue group in Puerto Rico, and flown up by PawSafe, a rescue group in Danbury, Ct.

Shepherd Mix. About 9 weeks old. She was rescued by a rescue group in Alabama, and flown up by Happy Life, a rescue group in Patterson, NY.

Black Lab Mix. About 12 weeks old. She was rescued by a rescue group in Mississippi, and flow up by ROAR, a rescue operation for animals in Ridgefield, Ct.


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