We are a family of four based in Colorado, consisting of two humans ( Cynthia + Andre ), one dog ( Henry ), and one cat ( Baloo ) and we all live for adventure. From backpacking to canyoneering, Henry and Baloo  always want to come along for the ride, so naturally, we started taking them everywhere.

  • Grumpy Cat became an internet sensation after her photo was posted on Reddit on September 22, 2012
  • She is known for her permanently “grumpy” facial appearance, which is caused by an underbite and feline dwarfism
  • My name is Crusoe and I am a miniature black and tan Dachshund. But don’t take ‘miniature’ too much to heart. My tagline is “the wiener dog who thinks he’s more of a celebrity than he really is”, but I think at this point I pretty much am a celebrity!

Meet Marutaro, a Shiba Inu from Japan who has over 2 million followers – Photos. Marutaro, the cute Shiba Inu from Japan is one of the most famous celebrities of Instagram and owns his status like a boss.
