Puppy Stages

  • Post category:Dogs

They’re cute and adorable, and who can resist a sweet face (or my weakness–those squeal-inducing bellies)? Why, they’re puppies of course, and if you have a new pup or are…

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  • Post category:Dogs

What NOT To Do In Your Vet’s Waiting RoomBefore even seeing your pet a vet has a challenge in their waiting room. That’s why The PG put together this list…

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Pet Gifts

  • Post category:Dogs

According to petfinder.com, more than 63% of pet owners buy their four-legged friends holiday gifts. What petfinder.com forgot to mention is that the pet gift buying actually lasts all year!…

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Dogs & Cars

  • Post category:Dogs

Could very well be dogs love car rides because they feel as if they are on a hunt. For example, cats never love car rides, or at best merely learn…

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