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Holiday Safety

Holidays can create special dangers for your pets. Each year during the various holiday seasons, thousands of pets are seriously injured and/or become deathly ill. It’s a busy time… a time of much planning, shopping, cooking and baking, rushing to and from parties and get-togethers with relatives and friends. Oftentimes we forget about our little four-legged members of the family during the rush and festivities. They are curious and anxious as we, their caretakers, are and there are many hazards waiting for their curiosity.

  • New Year’s brings in a brand new year filled with the promise of hope, prosperity, health, and happiness. But be alert to any pet hazards such as fun noise-makers and confetti which can very easily pose a serious threat to your pets’ sense of well-being and health. Noise-makers can frighten your pet causing the pet to bolt out an open door window, or leap to a precarious area in search of safety. Confetti can be ingested, wreaking havoc to the digestive tract.
  • Pets’ highly sensitive noses pick up scents before humans can. Therefore, don’t be surprised when Fluffy and Fido are underfoot in the kitchen while Thanksgiving and holiday goodies are being prepared.
  • Don’t feed pets the cooled drippings either. Human seasonings aren’t good for pets, plus the fact that the rich stock and drippings can easily upset pets’ digestive systems.
  • Bones are dangerous! Please, please don’t feed your pets bones, especially poultry bones. Poultry bones splinter easily—-each year thousands of pets are treated for consumption of splintered bones, causing pain and sometimes death.
  • Increased activity and visitors during the winter holiday season can upset your pet’s routine. Try to keep your pet on his regular schedule for feeding and exercise.
  • If you are planning to take your pet with you when visiting friends and relatives during the holidays, be sure to contact them in advance to find out if your pet is welcome. Because of the excitement during the holidays, it might be best for you and your pet to board your pet or hire a reputable pet sitter.
  • Hang your treasured ornaments higher on the Christmas tree. Use wooden, medal, resin-cast or the like on the lower branches in case curious little paws want to play with them
  • Resist the temptation to tie ribbons around pets necks for the holidays. The pets can tighten ribbons resulting in choking or hang themselves if the ribbon is caught on an object.
  • A number of Christmas season plants are poisonous to pets if nibbled or eaten: ivy, holly, mistletoe, Christmas greens such as balsam, juniper, cedar, pine, poinsettias and fir may cause vomiting or bloody diarrhea if ingested.
  • Please do not give any animal or any pet of any age as a gift. Remember the first weeks of a new life or a sudden change in an adult pet is extremely traumatic for them. Instead, give gifts of pet supplies, food, and accessories. Then after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the loved one can make a selection of the selected pet of their choice to bring home to peace and quiet for the pet. This will also provide the happy new pet owner time to spend with his/her new life-time commitment.

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