Manny The Selfie Cat may sound like a discarded idea for an SNL sketch, but Manny’s selfie game is so strong he could teach the Kardashians a thing or two. This cool cat may not have opposable thumbs, but he always manages to capture his good side with owner Yorem Ahm’s GoPro camera. Manny’s photos are like catnip to 400K+ @yoremahm Instagram followers, with impressively-posed shots of Manny leading his posse of sibling dogs like an old-school @beastieboys video. Like their hit song says, this confident pooch with impressive camera prowess is a “Sure Shot.”

I’m a six-year-old British Shorthair boy. Yes, a boy. (Don’t be fooled by the eyeliner.) I enjoy canned tuna and long walks on the countertops. Please don’t tell my mom about that last part.

  • Cole and Marmalade are both adopted in 2012 and 2013 respectively
  • Marmalade (goes by Marm – cool nickname) recently survived a cancer scare

Sockington is a domestic cat who lives in Waltham, Massachusetts, United States. He has gained large-scale fame via the social networking site Twitter.
