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The Basics Of Pet Bird Wellness

Given a well balanced, appropriate diet, a clean environment and routine veterinary care, pet birds are extremely hardy pets.

Diet & Nutrition – The most important step toward good health is having a well balanced diet. Variety is essential, an assortment of foods helps pet birds satisfy their natural desire for different textures and a taste. A diversified diet also encourages the instinct to forage for food. It is important that your bird retains his ability to make choices especially those based on personal preference.

Clean Fresh Water – Birds drink water every day, provide fresh water daily. Thoroughly wash water and food vessels as these are the most likely areas to harbor bacterial contaminants

Housekeeping Habits Effect Pet Bird Wellness – A pet birds cage is his home, it is however, his human companion’s responsibility to keep it clean, living in a hazardous environment will put your pets health at risk. When you have a good daily maintenance routine you will only need a thorough cleaning periodically
Preventive Health Care – As with people preventive care is a key to overall health, your avian veterinarian will help your bird remain in top condition, healthy and happy. To avoid accidents or injury have your birds wings and nails properly groomed by a professional every 3 — 4 months

The Importance of Sleep – The duration of light (photoperiod) influences various metabolic processes and trigger numerous physical and behavioral changes. Light also effects their disposition and personality. Birds are hard wired to sleep 12 hours per day (sunrise to sundown).

The Benefits of Foraging, Playtime & Exercise – Birds are highly intelligent and inquisitive pet’s that respond well to physical and intellectual challenges. Provide both play and exercise opportunities. Refresh your pet’s environment by adding different types of toys, change the location and/or orientation of perches, make accessing treats more challenging and create foraging opportunities. Remember that in the wild birds spend the majority of their time foraging for food.

Companionship – A successful relationship with any animal is built on mutual trust; a secure bird will be a happy bird.


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