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Starting a Dog Day Care Business: A Hot, Growing Business

Starting a dog day care business is a fast-growing service business that’s catching on in many areas of the country because people really do love their dogs.

But they also have lives away from their beloved pets. And if you can help these pet owners go about their everyday lives without the stress and worry of taking the dog out or feeling guilty because he’s at home, sad and lonely, you’ll be able to capitalize on a growing trend of doggie day care centers.

Dog owners love the option because their pets will get exercise and socialization in a neutral territory. That way the owner can go to work and not feel as guilty coming home to a dog loaded with energy because he slept all day.

It’s a different business from starting a pet-sitting or dog walking business because it requires physical space (that you rent or own) that is typically regulated by each state.

It’s also different from an overnight stay kennel, because the dogs are only brought in during the day while their owners are at work. Some people even bring their dogs to a dog day care center so their dogs can simply socialize with other dogs.

People won’t stop getting pets even when their time is already limited. A lot of families have two income earners who don’t have the time it takes to care for a dog. That’s why dog day care centers are popping up all over the place. People are renting out empty spaces or buildings along busy roads and putting up shop.

Valuable Skills/Requirements for the Pet Business

Dog training and handling experience is a necessity. Just because you love dogs doesn’t mean you’ll be able to handle the various personalities.

You’ll also need to check with your local town or state regulations and requirements. Trying to set up your center without getting the proper registration and licensing is certainly asking for trouble.

You should also learn to appreciate the love the owners have for their dogs–you’ll be dealing with them everyday.

The center will need to consist of an enclosed yard in addition to indoor space for inclement weather. Kennel cages are also a necessity and often a requirement.

You need to bonded and insured and you should check with a lawyer for any further legal requirements or suggestions.

Pros or Cons

This is not an easy, get rich quick business. But once you set up shop you will be surprised to find the number of people who don’t want to keep their pets alone for long periods of time during the day.

A dog day care center allows the owner to go off to work and forget about having to worry about a dog’s depression or loneliness.

If you like dogs (a lot of them, all at once) this is a great business to get into and it can be very profitable.

Important Statistic

A clear indication of trends of by looking at future employment statistics throughout the country.

And according to the US Department of Labor, employment within the animal care and service is expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations through 2010.

Looking at this one bit of information is a clear indication that pet ownership will continue to grow at an escalated pace throughout the country, giving anyone interested in the pet-care business a great outlook.


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