At nearly 10 years old, Marnie was found by Animal Control, smelly and matted on the streets of Connecticut in August 2012. She went unclaimed and was moved to a shelter where they named her Stinky. After 4 months at the shelter she was adopted via a post. They said she was blind in her left eye, which looked gray & cloudy, and she would never see from that eye again. She also really did smell bad.

Meet Marutaro, a Shiba Inu from Japan who has over 2 million followers – Photos. Marutaro, the cute Shiba Inu from Japan is one of the most famous celebrities of Instagram and owns his status like a boss.

  • Spent 10 years living in a cramped, filthy cage in a puppy mill
  • Lost an eye when his cage was power-washed


  • A Pomeranian who became an Internet sensation
  • Belonged to a San Francisco-based Facebook employee who created a Facebook page for the dog with the statement “My name is Boo. I am a dog. Life is good”