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Donating Your Talent to Help Pets Get Adopted

Geoffrey Tischman, a longtime resident of Rye, NY, has been the owner and chief photographer of Tischman Pets for over 15 years. Geoff is a renowned pet photographer. He brings together his lifelong love for animals and photography to his family and corporate clients. Moreover, he provides shelter to many deserving animals looking for a loving home. Volunteering his professional photography skills, Geoff works with the rescue community photographing adoptable pets, adoption events, fundraising events and galas and calendar images. “First impressions are everything, and as most people start their search for a new pet family member online, it’s vital to have a great image of the adoptable pet that captures the attention of potential adopters and compels them to make an appointment and meet the pet face to face,” says Tischman.

Nothing makes me happier than getting an email from a family saying it was my photo that led them to their newest family member!” To help promote shelter for pets, Geoff has contributed photos to a rescue column in his local newspaper for the last 5 years, highlighting families and their adopted pets. He is also an active member of HEARTS Speak ( covered in detail in Issue #116 of The Pet Gazette), a global network of photographers and other creative professionals who donate their time and services pro-bono to animal shelters and animal welfare organizations across the country. “I’m super-proud to be a member of the HEARTS Speak team – working with this group of fabulous, like-minded artists is the most rewarding work I do. They inspire me to give more and to be a better photographer.”

Geoff’s ability to capture the true spirits of our pets, as well as the special bond between pets and their humans, is rare and unique and has endeared him to his family and corporate clients.

Today, while Geoff Tischman still shoots family and corporate events, his main focus is animals, including pet portraits, commercial work and rescue photography. His portraits of adopted animals and their owners adorn the walls of the ASPCA in New York City and his work with many celebrities and their beloved animals, including Georgina Bloomberg,

Cheyenne Jackson, Bernadette Peters and Aida Turturro along with other corporate clients has garnered him a reputation as one of the country’s premier pet photographers.

Geoff lives in Rye, NY with his wife and daughter and their rescue pets, an Australian Shepherd dog, Lexy and cat, Batman. If you would like to book. Geoff for a Spring session and get memorable family portraits (with or without a pet) get in touch with him at to set up a time for a fun family shoot! For more information visit


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